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Currently, there are tools for users to browse and download data from the COs in schools and in cities are available. A similar functionality can be provided for the COs in public spaces. 

Outdoor air quality data visualization (Outdoor air quality data in cities)

Portals for indoor air quality data download and export to Excel (Indoor air quality data in shcools)

Portal for indoor radon data visualization

Visualize Outdoor Air Quality Data in Cities

Public Access Indoor Air Quality Data in Schools

CITI-SENSE Participants Access Indoor Air Quality Data in Schools

Visualize Radon Data in Schools

Term of use

If you use our data, please refer it to the CITI-SENSE project as follows: The data was generated by the CITI-SENSE project. CITI-SENSE is a Collaborative Project partly funded by the EU FP7-ENV-2012 under grant agreement no. 308524.


This project has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement no 308524.